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PATCH stands for Parents Act Together for Children’s Health and focusses on activities which promote the health and well-being of children, their parents and carers.

Our baby groups include...

Boogie Babies stage 1 (age 0-6 months) and stage 2 (6-12 months) focus on your baby’s development and include sensory activities. Fun upbeat and popular classes for parents and carers to enjoy with their babies. Classes typically involve, dance, music, nursery rhymes and finish with relaxation for you and your little one.  Classes are currently available at Centre 4 in Grimsby, New Waltham Pavilion and Bert Boyden Community Centre in Immingham.

Please view our timetable for June 7th 2021 onwards


To book a class for you and your baby(s) or toddler(s) please click here.

Classes cost £5 per child with subsidised prices are available for block bookings, additional children and for those who are unemployed or low incomes. For more information on this please contact us directly.

Contact Us

01472 236688 Ext 270

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